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Dry Amla - 100gm
Dried amla, or amla whole, is obtained by drying fresh Indian gooseberry fruits (Desi Amla) grown in the Himalayas in wild mostly. During the drying process, water (the main ingredient), is eliminated. Due to which white patches of natural ascorbic acid emerge on the inner side of the dried berry. Amla is used world-wide. It has medicinal purposes and is used for various ailments such as fever, liver disorder, indigestion, anemia, heart complaints, and urinary problems. Amla is also known to have many beauty benefits. Used in many skin-care and hair-care products, it will freshen your skin and make your hair feel healthy, shiny, and smooth. Take pieces of dry amla, soak in water overnight, and use the water to drink, to rinse your hair in the shower. Amla salted can be taken orally. Also a great source of vitamin c.

Dry Amla - 100gm

SKU: Amla 100gm
₹99.00 Regular Price
₹39.00Sale Price

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