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Shikakai - 100gm
These Ayurvedic herbs are often used as a shampoo replacement because of its excellent cleansing properties. Popularly found in central india, shikakai is also rich in antioxidants and vitamins A,C,K,and D, which help nourish hair and keep it healthy. Amlz ,reetha,shikakai suit all hair types and help prevent split ends,hairfall,dandruff,greying of hair and other hair related problems and furthur make your hair soft and silky.Soak 5-6 reetha ponds,6-7 pieces of shikakai and a few amla pods in water overnight. Ground fine paste is applied on hair 30-45 minutes before a headwash

Shikakai - 100gm

₹149.00 Regular Price
₹59.00Sale Price

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